
我们如何获得水: 为社区服务的基础设施 

Delivering water 到南加州 homes and businesses is as much about infrastructure as it is about actual water. 而大都会正在努力确保我们的可靠性 进口食水 越来越多地投资于 当地供应但这仅仅是个开始. 把饮用水送到你的水龙头需要数百英里的输水管道, 几十台大功率泵, a vast storage system of 水库 and groundwater basins across the state, 区域水处理设施, 以及一个由管道和服务连接组成的广泛的分配系统.


About 25 percent of the water used in Southern California typically comes from the 科罗拉多河. 另外30%来自北塞拉利昂. 的 remaining 45 percent comes from a mix of what are considered 当地供应, which includes the city of Los Angeles’ eastern Sierra deliveries as well as recycling, 海水淡化及地下水供应. 这意味着我们的大部分水要经过很长的距离才能到达水龙头.

A 国家水利工程 aqueduct located below the snow-capped Northern Sierra Mountains.


加州自然多变的天气, 气候变化加剧了哪一种情况, makes storage a critical element of Metropolitan’s ability to reliably deliver water to the region. It has become increasingly important that we take advantage of water when it is available and store it for times when it is not. That’s why Metropolitan has invested significantly in storage over the past three decades, 我们的存储容量增加了13倍. Some of that storage is in groundwater banking programs locally and throughout the state, some is in state 水库 along the 国家水利工程 and federal 水库 along the 科罗拉多河, 还有一些在大都会自己的水库里.



While water flows through much of Metropolitan's service area powered by gravity, it takes 五个泵站 along the 科罗拉多河 渡槽 to ensure it reaches its final destination at Lake Mathews. 这些抽水厂加在一起,使CRA的供水量略高于1%,600英尺, 使其在重力作用下向西流过莫哈韦沙漠. 所有抽水厂都有9台水泵, 每一个的额定容量至少为每秒225立方英尺. 一旦到达该地区, 科罗拉多河 water flows through Metropolitan's entire distribution system and treatment plants by gravity, 正常运行下. 阅读更多.

Pumping containers connected to an array of metal tubing inside of the Whitsett Intake Pumping Plant

W.P. Whitsett进气泵站

的 Intake plant is the starting point of the 科罗拉多河 渡槽 supply and lifts water out of Lake Havasu 291 feet, 从海拔450英尺到741英尺. 



吉恩工厂位于吸入工厂以西两英里处. 的 facility lifts water from Gene Wash reservoir 303 feet to Copper Basin reservoir, 在海拔1处,037英尺. 



的 Iron Mountain plant is 70 miles from Copper Basin and lifts water 144 feet. 



的 Eagle Mountain plant is 40 miles west of Iron Mountain and lifts water 438 feet to an elevation of 1,404英尺. 



的 Hinds plant is 16 miles west of Eagle Mountain and has the highest lift of all the plants, 441英尺到海拔1,807英尺. 

利用水力发电降低抽水成本 & 太阳能发电 


把水泵到1600英尺高的山上需要消耗大量的能量. Pumping water along the CRA uses about 2 million megawatt-hours of energy a year. About half of this is met by Metropolitan’s allocation of power from Hoover and Parker dams. 来抵消我们剩下的电力成本, Metropolitan has built 15 hydroelectric plants throughout our distribution system.  


Largely built in the late 1970s and early 1980s during that era’s energy crisis, 这些发电厂不仅发电, 它们还有助于控制配电系统内的压力. 这15座水力发电厂能产生250吨水,000 megawatt-hours of energy per year and have a total capacity of about 130 megawatts.  

Metropolitan has also developed 5 ½ megawatts of solar power at our facilities. And we’re exploring other ways to further reduce our carbon emissions and stabilize energy costs through our Energy 可持续性 Plan. That plan could include adding additional renewable energy to our portfolio, 提高我们的能源效率和储存, 负荷转移利用太阳能发电.


这是一个 快照 大都会医院的输送和治疗系统.  
